Gerhard Frawnberger
The Kitchen Master

The kitchen master or Kellner, Frawenberger! His job is to administrate everything that has to do with food, basically to get it cheapest and store it on the most appropriate way in the castle cellar. This job requires a lot of planning since some types of food obviously have a shorter conservation then others.
Frawenberger is known to be quite a hard person to deal with. He has no mercy for his kitchen personnel if they fail their duty. Several kitchen maids fled the castle in tears and shouted that “they’ll rather serve the devil itself, then being treated so horribly by Frawenberger”.
Another quite misterious aspect about this man is that he seems to have a hidden agenda. Three casks of red wine (148 litres X 3 = 3 Yhren) disappeared from the wine cellar last month. Franziska the winemaid swears that she has nothing to do with it and that she always guarded the only key to the wine cellar day and night. Is there one additional, secret key somewhere? Who has it? And why was Frawenberger seen driving on a big cart with a covered load in town? Investigations are about to be made (unfortunatly the carter hired by Frawenberger suddenly disappead), but until we find the robber, Frawenberger is considered as innocent.
The role is played by Flemming Knudsen which joined our research and reenactment group since its beginning in 2005. Always ready to help, always ready to have fun and very good in advising. Besides – he is really good in cooking medieval dishes!